Friday, April 24, 2009


Alonso.Best Passer.
Gerrard.Best Player

Videos of my Bros at their best are at the bottom.B4 watching study and obey this few rules.1.Love Lfc 2.Gerrard's the best player in the world 3.Alonso's the best passer in the world 4. I ,ZK10 will replace Gerrard and later on Messi as best player in the world 5. Hate Man Utd 6.Bro's b4 Ho's. These are simple rules so Learn them Love them Live them....I am your King thats not a rule coz thats a bloody fact.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Eli Bday

Me and some Chow Kit 'workers';-)
Kenny,Pheiz,Eli,Alison and The Hot One
Alison and Me(sorry dono how to smile...but....still....Im sizzling.Owh!

Today was Eli's bday. First was lunch.I was so blur I just eat whats nearest to me than hear Alison hate story.Quite funny than she suddenly say she hate me and show some bloody face.btw she said she hated me 3 times but as you noe....due to my hotness Im just irresistable.Than went bowling the end i scored a freaking strike for Snoopy Nel.Give that Pup a chance la right?Than go arcade which kinda sucked than go choco lounge.take some photos than I realize how fat Ali actually is.Ouch.Sorry babe;-)O but b4 that some RM9.99 a night girl named Kar Shan came to 1U all the way from Kuantan I think....just to see and touch me....haih...what to do..I so hot.Gangsta mah diu..than now I lazy think and type so I will change later or never....and btw...F u!!!;-)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ended Streak

Today was games-koko day. I was not looking forward to basketball as I know I suck and that I may never score again.But then the team was chosen and mine consisted of Kenny,Meng, ZH and me. so i thought....ok la...screw this shit la anyway i scored 2 in the end actually 3 but NICK Allen was sitiing outside the court like a asshole and it was cancelled anyway not only that I also blockewd a shot from Nel and although he was short it was cool.I also deflected a few and intersepted one I think.O and I still suck coz I shot some beautiful airballs..AWESOME!